Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dude, Your Socks Don't Match: Marketing Misalignment

The danger of out-of-balance marketing can bring down your company with a quickness.
If you are, indeed, closing sales and generating customers, but however, you lack the goods to back all those sales up- your company's socks don't match. Maybe try turning on the light and wearing glasses when you pull them out of the dyer!
Marketing misalignment is very real problem I could have if I don't keep trained, high quality employees to keep up with my sales.
It's easy to close deals for one of my companies. I have what they want. (Heh, heh.) I could go out there tomorrow and close twenty sales a day, if I wanted. And then what? I'd be dead in the water- that's what.
The answer of avoiding the danger of marketing misalignment, I think, can be found in a way a child grows into clothes. When a child is very young, say, six months; perhaps you buy a size a little bit too big- nine months, to stay ahead of the growing curve. I believe you can do the same thing in business. Stay comfortably ahead of your growing curve.

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