Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Have You Had Sex with a Robot Yet?

And this is why I really don't want anyone I know to read my blog, my employees to read my blog, or {gasp} my (paying) clients to read my blog.

Sex with robots.

You think I've lost my mind? While I might not be able to cook my way out of a brown paper bag, one thing I am adept; is spotting a market trend.

"I believe that it is enividable that within five years- people will be having sex with robots", says author David Levy, "Love and Sex with Robots"

Love it. Hate it. Or invest in it.

The only thing Levy needs, he says, is someone like Entrepreneur Chick.

"It's just a matter of finding an entrepreneur willing to put up the capital to combine these sex dolls with existing artificial intelligence technology to make dolls that react to their sexual partners through speach and movement."

Well? Who's got five bucks?


  1. Sign me up.

    Come enter my giveaway!!!!!

  2. You crack me up!! :) Amy

  3. I can't help but think of that movie, Lars and the Real Girl. Like that, but better.

    I have to wonder, though, what a robot could say to woo me.

  4. Julie,

    I used to tease Tony when he didn't want to do something- I'd say, "I'm going to order a Tony doll. Then you'll be sorry." Little did I know! Whoa.

  5. Amy,

    Yeah.. I figured you'd enjoy this post.
    See ya tomorrow. What can I bring? Email me. Uh... you remember I can't cook, right? But hey, if you are out of those cute little wholewheat goldfish crackers, THAT, I can do.

  6. Polly,

    Say? Did you read what it can do? I'm not into my robots talking.

    Teased Chloe about this post and asked her, what's yours going to be named? I already know mine: Sir SexaLot. Heh, heh.

  7. I'm with the Pollinatrix. What caliber of pillow talk would we get for $5.00?

    "Thanks, that was fun"?

    "It felt good in my circuits...did it feel good in yours"?

    "That really hit the V-chip"?

  8. Postman,

    I think they should totally hire you to do the voiceovers. ;)

  9. Ha! Thanks. I'd be down. They'd get their money's worth, though, that's for sure.
