Thursday, June 25, 2009

When you Want Something Done- Call the Movers and Shakers

When you want something done- don't do it yourself. Call the Movers and Shakers!

You, gentle readers, of course remember our concept of "Timeshare a Donkey"?

There are three people in this town who, if you'd like to get something done- you call 'em.

They are: Bill Collins, Angie Cox and Wendy Trayler.
These three people are a powerhouse full of Make-It-Happen. I have to be honest though, I think Angie Cox is a humanoid drone from another planet because I've known her for 10 years and she looks the exact same- plus I don't think she sleeps. I ask you, does that sound human to you?

Last year, our Chamber of Commerce awarded her "Citizen of the Year" but apparently they aren't too concerned about DNA. Ha.

Furthermore, Bill Collins is a dynamo of business Slick-n- Savy and
when I sat down with him for the first time almost two years ago- I said to myself- man; I need to seriously step up my game! He always challenges me to be better.

And Wendy Trayler- this chick is OrganizationCity. She, like Angie and Bill, have served on all kinds of non-profit organizations and Board of Directors, but she uniquely understands the value of being on top of every event and every thing she does, way, way, WAY before she needs to have it completed. She was the one largely responsible for the last Rahpsody in Blue fundraiser for domestic abuse on our county. Entrepreneur Chick knows her events. It was flawless- thanks to her efforts.

I approached all three: "Hey, listen. I have to talk to you about something really exciting and important. How would you like to help with "Timeshare a Donkey"?

Bill said, "Let me think about it" two times, but after I came back with the rebuttal- "So, are you on board with the donkey?" I think just to shut me up, he probably said yes. But I know his integrity, his "yes" means "yes", even if I was exasperating him. But any good salesman will tell you you have to believe in your product. Wendy's eyes lit up right away and she snorted, "Heeee Hawww". Which is Wendy-Speak for "Of course, I'll help." Angie replied, after my stupidly enthusiastic Donkey intro, "Two of my favorite things- kids and animals!"

So, "The Donkey Timeshare" is, as my very first Donkey Committee Chairman, Susan Johnson- would say, "In da HOUZ!"

1 comment:

  1. Love your Blog. One thing you are not is out of Energy and ideas. You are always thinking outside the the box and that is what I love about you.
